Howie Tsui

Photos 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11 Jon Vincent/VANDOCUMENT, 4 & 5 Paul Wong

Bad Trip, New Religion & Regeneration

Plastic bones, expanding foam, wire, microcrystalline wax, oil paint, soil, moss, mirror, turntable
24″ x 24″ x 24″

Recreating a hallucinatory moment of corpse discovery, BNR reflects the cycles of death and reincarnation (evictions and pop-ups) characteristic of the city’s art spaces; while, the mushroom serves as an allegory of artistic practice and the labyrinthine locker space – where psychotropic varieties are catalysts for religious inception, while the genus’ veiled machinations function almost exclusively underground, thriving on decay and breaking down improbably materials.

Curator: Amy Fung


Vancouver-based artist Howie Tsui (Tsui Ho Yan / 徐浩恩) was born in Hong Kong and raised in Lagos, Nigeria and Thunder Bay. He holds a BFA (2002) in painting from the University of Waterloo and received the Joseph S. Stauffer Prize (2005) from the Canada Council for most outstanding young artist. His work is in the public collections of the National Gallery of Canada, Canada Council Art Bank, City of Ottawa, Ottawa Art Gallery and Centre d’exposition de Baie-Saint-Paul. Solo exhibitions include Gallery 101, Carleton University Art Gallery, AceArtInc (Winnipeg), Montréal arts interculturels, Centre A (Vancouver), Agnes Etherington Art Centre (Kingston), Art Gallery of Southwestern Manitoba, with group engagements at the West Vancouver Museum, Boston University School of Fine Arts and the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco. Upcoming exhibitions at Para Site (HK), Art Labor (SH) and the National Gallery of Canada.